Saturday, November 1, 2014

Morning Coffee

Every since i can remember i have loved coffee, the first real memory i have of drinking that beautiful amber liquid was when i was around eight years old, we lived in the tiny white house next to my Auntie Willy's,  there was a large silver coffee pot with a spigot that i would go up to and fill what ever cup i had. I seriously doubt that was the first time that I had coffee as my daddy was giving my babies sips from his coffee cup as soon as they were able to toddle up to him on their own two feet (he had more cream and sugar then coffee lol )

I have found that there is nothing more relaxing then sitting wrapped up in a warm blanket with my long hair tied up in a knot to keep it out of my face as the wind blows up the valley and across our deck.   I love watching the mist and fog rise off the river as the sky brightens and starts to glisten off the water,  listening to the sound of the birds as the world starts to wake up usually with a magazine sitting in my lap and a warm cup in hand,  sipping my coffee with that creamy vanilla creamer swirling around in my cup.   In the winter I love to bring my steaming hot cup of coffee back to our big soft warm bed while i have old movies playing in the back ground with garden or Christmas magazines scattered around me planning the holidays to come and our summer garden and flowers until i hear the tiny feet of My grand daughter scampering across the wood floors heading to our bedroom, I know in moments her tiny chilly body will be snuggled up against me and we will snuggle and talk and i just might give her a sip of my coffee.  :-)

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