Thursday, November 13, 2014


We got our first snow today woo hoo,  Why yes I am one of those people I LOVE SNOW !  I actually look forward to that beautiful white cotton candy that covers every thing in a thick white carpet, it makes even the bleakest most barren landscapes look amazing, there is just something magical about snow and how it changes every thing from the way it dresses up the trees, the Douglas Firs look so elegant in their thick white coats and the Vine Maples and Alders with their delicate branches coated with a fine layer of snow like fine jewelry kind of look ladies getting ready for a fancy ball, mix this with icicles hanging off branches and the eaves of your house and it is winter perfection.
I can remember as a child the excitement when Cis would wake us kids up and take us outside in the middle of the night to make snow angels , we would lay on our backs moving our arms and legs frantically to make the wings with our skinny lil arms... lol.   If  I close my eyes I can still feel the crisp air on my skin and see my breath as i looked up into the heavens watching as the snow was coming down on us.  My own children have been waken more then once to their mama coming into their rooms at night to excitedly whisper look out your window its snowing and yes they have been taken out to play in the snow at night.
 One of our favorite things as kids growing up on the little farm in Castle Rock was a treat my Dad & Mom would make for us when we got a good snow, it was snow ice cream, they took some of our fresh jersey cream, vanilla, snow  and sugar all together (sometimes adding food coloring ) we would get big heaping bowls, now you have to remember this was back when you didn't have junk food in our homes like we do now so for a family of nine this was quite an event.

When our children were growing up we always tried to make snow days special, we built igloos, snowmen, and one time we built a very large dragon and took spray bottles with food coloring  spraying it green with red eyes, the children loved when they were sitting in the living room snuggled up in their blankets on the couch later that evening when everyone was getting off work and they would watch as traffic would slow to see their works of art.  On snow days I would bake cookies or Kevin would make cinnamon roles which we served up with hot chocolate, more then once i cooked off a turkey when we had big snow so that when the kids and their friends came in to get their clothes dried and to get warm we would feed them, then they would watch a movie kick back then out they would go again sometimes with socks on their little hands when we didn't have enough gloves to go around.

Last year was a brand new time of snow memories for me, it was my first year playing in the snow with our Grand baby Tink  and it was wonderful! I think she actually may just love snow as much as her Nina, she sledded for hours and tried so hard to keep up with the big kids, her wonderful cousins Nicholas and Antonio were there to take her up and down the hills on their sled, afterwards Tink her mama and I made a snow turtle which we sprayed green with food coloring.

So today was our first day of snow for 2014 , i an full grown adult started the day before two AM doing snow checks, finally around nine AM Tink, Sissy and I were standing out in the yard Tink in her Jammies rubber boots, Sissy sweats and slip on shoes and I in my big ole robe and husbands shoes trying to catch snow flakes on our tongues, yes God is good and this life He so graciously has given me is wonderful.

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