Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Music in me.

I love music, I have loved music every since i can remember. When i was young my mom would always have music on in the house and in the car when we went anywhere, i can remember just like it was yesterday dancing with her in the yard the record player in the house with speakers on the front porch all 7 of us kids dancing to the song dragging the line or mellow yellow around her. I can still feel the warmth of the dappled sun that burst through the leaves and the beautiful white flower's that smelled of pepper, oh the sun falling on us through the leaves of the locus trees felt amazing , I can see my mom as she tosses her head back laughing she was so beautiful with her shoulder length chestnut hair dancing off her shoulders as her long tan legs bouncing along as she showed us how to dance the pony, It is amazing the feeling of your bare feet dancing, bouncing on the grass the sun on your shoulders the laughter of your brother's and sisters echoing through the yard. 

Music was such a big part of our lives growing up  I can remember weekends with my dad and his group practicing in our living room, there was Daryle who played guitar and Cheryl who was beautiful inside and out she had such an amazing voice ................. music everywhere in our home. Then there was weekends where dad would get everything set up and we would all sing together, little church in the dale, d.i.v.o.r.c.e , bony maroni, song after song we would sing out of Dads big brown song book with our child voices,  except Becky oh my her voice was beautiful. 
It is funny how life brings things to come around in a full circle, many years have gone by and  my Daddy is gone and my mama is close to 70  and i am a bit older.................... 54 to be exact lol and i still do not have an ounce of musical talent in me, but here i am on my way to Portland with my daughter and grand daughter to pick up my sweet husband from the airport, we have Taylor Swift blasting from the radio all three of us singing together and it is magical. I am blessed. 

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