Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Just a little Laughter

Its funny the older i get the more i just choose to let go of stuff whether its plans that have gone awry or hurtful angry people....... its not that i don't get upset, hurt or irritated I have just found that it takes way to much Time and energy to keep my feathers in a fluff.  It seems more and more I shake my head and just laugh lol
Having lived through a few years and more than one or two personal blunders myself, which I believe has made me a better and more compassionate human being ( my children will be stunned to find out im not perfect LOL ) When people in my circle do something stupid, hurtful or cruel I try to understand where they are coming from that may have led to her/ his behavior, that doesn't mean I give them a free pass to wreck and ruin in the lives of my family  (Meaning  My Love, My children, Norseman & his Bride) as I will almost always try to discuss an issue so that its not repeated or to let them know its unacceptable.
This old lady just doesn't let it get to her like when i was younger, plans change, things don't always go as i have planned and that is okay maybe God has something better for me. When it comes to unhealthy people or people who make poor decisions  I think that it comes down to a point in our lives that we finally learn that we can only control our behavior and how we react to those around us and circumstances, we can choose not to allow others to rob us of the joy in our lives.  So I choose to laugh things off shake my head and move on down the road.

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